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API Security in 2023

API security is a growing concern for many organizations as APIs become a fundamental part of their digital strategies. APIs are used to share data with internal stakeholders and enable brand-new API-as-a-product offerings to form. APIs power event-driven microservices architectures… Read More »API Security in 2023

ssh exploit poc by ClumsyLulz

A new zero-day vulnerability in SSH has been discovered, which could allow attackers to remotely execute code on vulnerable systems. The vulnerability was discovered in a C program created by ClumsyLulz, which was designed to generate a packet to be… Read More »ssh exploit poc by ClumsyLulz

GoDaddy was pwned

Web hosting giant GoDaddy has confirmed that it suffered a security breach in early December 2022 that compromised its cPanel shared hosting environment. Unknown attackers breached the system and installed malware on the servers, and reportedly had access to the… Read More »GoDaddy was pwned

Data breach @ Atlassian

On February 15th, 2023, Atlassian, an Australian software vendor, experienced a significant data breach. A group of hackers calling themselves SiegedSec posted data online, including what appears to be personal information for over 13,000 employees and floor plans for two… Read More »Data breach @ Atlassian